OB嚴選 評價 品質 實體店面 門市地址 心得 哪裡買
2012年更以「OB Design」品牌與紡織股王-聚陽實業齊心合作開發,智慧纖維輕機能系列產品;共同嚴格把關每一道程序,造就卓越完美的高品質。
OB嚴選也推出了海外地區的訂單唷,包含了香港, 澳門, 菲律賓, 新加坡, 美國等等地區都可以買的到OB嚴選唷!!
新品折20 · 批發會員優惠 · 天天新品上架 · 歡慶1111 限時優惠中 · 全尺碼供應 · 人氣秋裝折扣中
Brand Origin: We starting from a vision different from the past and based on an innovative thinking. At the beginning, in a small minority of large size market to please the girls. And then, we enter into the full-size clothing.
As this, we bring the joy of shopping to every girl. OB design led girls enjoying choose for their own clothes, built exclusive outfit journey.
We create the way of membership to initiate the feedback – 【novel every day‧surprise anytime】
We provide the ease and safety of shopping space – 【various products‧lowest rates‧fastest delivery‧safest deal‧best service】
So that each girl can easily dress and pamper themselves all the time, moreover, exudes unique confidence and charm! The most important thing is share out this joy with OB design.
We create the way of membership to initiate the feedback – 【novel every day‧surprise anytime】
We provide the ease and safety of shopping space – 【various products‧lowest rates‧fastest delivery‧safest deal‧best service】
So that each girl can easily dress and pamper themselves all the time, moreover, exudes unique confidence and charm! The most important thing is share out this joy with OB design.
虛實整合 OB嚴選東區開實體店面
網購服飾品牌OB嚴選在今年天貓雙11網購節創下單日近新台幣2,500萬元營收業績,雖然是平日的20倍之多,仍未達到一開始喊出要做到3,0 00萬的目標,營運長張祐誠認為,今年很多同業祭出更殺折扣、讓市場變得相當競爭是主要原因。而OB嚴選為了做到虛實整合,預計明(2015)年將在全台開3家實體門市,首家於1月15日在台北東區正式營運,另兩家則分別落腳於台中和台南,計劃於第二季同時開幕。
繼台北東區門市之後,OB嚴選將陸續往台中、台南拓點,兩家門市預計於明年5、6月一起開幕,而張祐誠認為,台南的逛街人潮主要集中在下午和晚上時段,便於門市人事、排班集中管理,節省多餘成本開銷,淨利率表現將會比東區門市好。(文/ETtoday消費新聞 記者洪菱鞠台北報導)

《OB嚴選》限時回饋 特價中!!!